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Voter Registration Week

Get involved in Voter Registration Week: 9 - 18 June 2024

Citizens UK has established the Voter Registration Champion scheme on the model of its hugely successful Living Wage accreditation scheme, which currently recognises 14,000 employers in the UK who have made a commitment to pay a Real Living Wage to their workers. Crucial to the success of that scheme is Living Wage Week, when accredited Living Wage employers can be celebrated, and the network reaches out to new employers to encourage them to join the movement. Citizens UK is planning to repeat this formula for the Voter Registration Champions scheme – celebrating accredited Voter Registration Champions across the UK in its key categories: schools and colleges; universities; employers; and faith and community organisations.

So, what can you do to join us in celebrating Voter Registration Week?

  • Take the first step by signing up to become a Voter Registration Champion – you’ll find all the resources you’ll need;
  • Get your people election-ready: Engage everyone you can in your organisation with our resources that will help ensure they are registered to vote, have the right Voter ID, and are encouraged to turnout to vote;
  • Spread the word: Encourage and enable other organisations in your networks to become Voter Registration Champions and participate in Voter Registration Week (9 - 18 June). You can post on social media in support of the campaign using the hashtags #VoterRegistrationChampions and #VoterRegistrationWeek;
  • Measure the impact: Let us know how many people you are able to get election-ready to the best of your organisation’s ability - so we know what progress we are making towards our target of getting 300,000 ‘at risk’ voters ‘election ready’.

(And yes, the astute among you will have noticed that we're stretching the definition of a week!)