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Voter Registration Champion resources

We’re asking every organisation that can to do three simple things in Voter Registration Week (June 9th-18th 2024):

  1. Get your people election-ready: Engage everyone you can in your organisation with our resources that will help ensure they are registered to vote, have the right Voter ID, and are encouraged to turnout to vote;
  2. Spread the word: Encourage and enable other people and organisations in your networks to become Voter Registration Champions and participate in Voter Registration Week (June 9th-18th);
  3. Measure the impact: Let us know how many people you are able to get election-ready to the best of your organisation’s ability - so we know what progress we are making towards our target of 300,000.

Click the buttons below to find a suite of resources to help you on your Voter Registration journey!

Resources for: